The Story of Marianne
The week of Thanksgiving I went to the ACSI conference and had a great time…you can read about the conference here. But let me get to the point because there was such an amazing story about how God works.
I always give away a basket of Egglo products for some lucky winner to take home for their children’s ministry or their own kiddos. When it came time for the raffle at the end of conference everybody had pretty much cleared out. My son drew a name “Marianne”, which I had said out loud to my son. Incidentally a woman walking by and heard us say the name – she got very excited and stopped and said, “I’m Marianne”! BUT, it was not the right Marianne according to the information. I was sad as she walked away disappointed. This Marianne shared that she and her fellow church leaders had discussed with each other that they felt they were meant to win the basket.
So I called the Marianne listed on the ticket with no response, and you must be present to win! Then my son pulled ANOTHER name from the bowl – LOW AND BEHOLD The name on the ticket was Marianne! I just knew that it was the woman who had walked away disappointed. I called her number but it went straight to voicemail. The building was almost empty but I rushed to the hallway in hopes if finding her. Scanning the halls I caught sight of her and her friends. She saw me and I looked at her…I held the paper up and asked, “Is this your name?” She was delighted! I soon learned that she and her friends are from a small school with limited funds struggling to stay in existence. They looked at The Egglo products and wanted to buy them but decided they didn’t have the funds. They entered the raffle trusting that still small voice that told them they would win.
Being part of God’s bigger plan for teaching children about the love of Jesus is the most rewarding part of my Egglo Eggs experience. Seeing His love and provision for the littlest of souls is truly beautiful. So thank you, Marianne, and congratulations! I can’t wait to hear about your experience with the Egglo Eggs!
One last thing: at their school this Christmas season they are doing a program called, “Believe”. I had decorated the basket with a ribbon and ornament that said, “Believe.”