Egglo for Sunday School - Egglo Entertainment

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Egglo for Sunday School

Egglo Entertainment provides fun and highly engaging resources which teach children that Jesus is the light of the world. Because Egglo is kid-friendly and grounded in religious purpose, our curriculum makes an excellent supplement to any Sunday School program, or any personal time you have set aside with your children for spiritual fulfillment.

Our Egglo Curriculum is packed with ideas and activities to use with your children or students. Visual aids, decoration ideas, themed snacks, discussion activities, coloring pages, and so much more are included to share the full Egglo Experience.

You’ll get the most out of using our Curriculum Program Guide, but here are a few other ideas to get you started with our story, The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure, available in book form, digital download for audio, or DVD.

The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure

Adventure Book Image

This storybook details the adventures of three kids who discover the real meaning behind Easter. Each child has a character flaw in which they resolve through the help of scriptures revealed to them along the way.

Scripture Study

Before the story, introduce to students to the scriptures that pertain to each character. Depending on the age of the students, you can either have them interpret the scripture, or for younger children, help guide them through their meanings.


As you read through the story with the children, keep track of each character’s personality and discuss with students their traits. Here are a couple of suggestions to do this:

Whole Group:  Have a poster using an image of each child from the story (a coloring page of each character is offered in the program guide. Color it yourself, or invite students to help). Make 3 different sections, one with each character and his/her name. As their personality traits become apparent, note them on the poster. This may be more appropriate for younger students, but can be used with older ones as well.

Individual: Use a character map to write down each one’s traits and use this as a tool for class discussions. You may want to include sections for writing the specific scripture that relates to the character, and also how the character changes throughout the story. Instead of having it on one sheet, you could expand the sections into a small booklet. You may also want to have students write about how they relate to one or more of the characters, and how they may be able to use the scriptures for guidance in their own lives.

Our Program Guide (Curriculum) also includes comprehension questions to discuss with the children. Additionally, make sure to highlight each character’s particular flaw or challenge, which Bible verse is significant to them, and how it changes their character by the end of the story. Use the aforementioned Whole Group/Individual suggestions to reinforce these elements. This really helps to cement the meaning and purpose for your students.


Glow-in-the-Dark Egg Hunt

Check out How to Create Egglo Eggs Glow in the Dark Scavenger Hunt by Egglo Eggs on Snapguide.

The egg hunt will likely be the most enjoyable part for the children. Make sure the eggs are well-charged prior to the event so the children can fully enjoy the experience. Scriptures or stickers included with the curriculum kit can be use to fill the eggs, and you may want to add candy for an added bonus. If your school or you prefer not to use candy, small erasers or other toys work as well. Our Program Guide outlines how to involve everyone in making a successful glow-in-the-dark Easter egg hunt with Egglo eggs.

We are happy that you have chosen Egglo to accompany your religious education. It is our belief that Jesus is the light and the truth, and we delight in sharing with you our mission.

“Declare His glory among all nations, His wonders among all peoples.” Psalms 96:3

We invite you to explore the rest of our site for more information, inspiration, and updates for Egglo Entertainment.

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