Last year was amazing! Kids had a blast and the eggs worked great. We gave each kid a glow necklace, so the visual of all the eggs combined with all the “moving” necklaces was really cool.
Mark A. EinersenOperations Pastor, Relevant Church
Egglo Eggs now only available on Amazon! Shop on Amazon now!
As any good parent or teacher does I know you’ll do your homework about this product…here’s an easy way to see what other people are saying about Egglo Eggs and the Egg-cellent Easter Adventure! In the 2013 Easter season Egglo Eggs was featured as the #1 way to boost your kid’s Easter Egg Hunt by Children’s Ministry!
Egglo Eggs are a fun and educational product for homeschool families, churches and youth groups, as they provide interactive glow-in-the-dark activities for Easter, or anytime. Fun activities include light up scavenger or egg hunts, games, crafts, parties and more. Activity and craft ideas such as the Light of Jesus Scavenger Hunt, are provided on the Egglo Blog. In addition, there are many craft ideas on their Pinterest page and on their Egglo All Year page. Get the Egglo Glow in the Dark Kit here. For the Egglo Curriculum Kit click here.
HomeSchool.comI would like to say I was very pleased with Egglo products and even more pleased with the service that I received. I placed my order on a Wednesday and it was delivered Saturday morning. That was fantastic because I needed it Saturday evening! Everyone had a great time at our Glow In The Dark Easter Egg Hunt! My name is Wanda McClelland I am Grandmamma to 12 grand-children that I held this party for.
Wanda McClellandEgglo Eggs was listed as the #1 Way to Boost your Easter Egg Hunt by Children’s Ministry Magazine!
5 Ways to Boost Your Easter Egg Hunt by David Jennings—”At the time of my writing this, we have only about four weeks until Easter is here. For many of us, that means preparing for the annual Easter egg hunt. The hunt can be one of the greatest community outreach events for your ministry, so it’s important to give it to God. Make sure to pray over the event for guidance and impact. That’s the best tip I can give you. If you are looking for ways to give your hunt an extra boost, we’ve found five cool ideas that you can implement for this year’s event. 1. Egglo Entertainment- Who said Easter egg hunts have to take place in the middle of the day? The night owls over at Egglo Entertainment have created these glow-in-the-dark eggs with crosses on them. The idea? Jesus is the light in this dark world-too cool! Pick up a few dozen eggs for use at night (or to use in a dark room if it rains on your hunt). Egglo also sells curriculum and other fun items to go with the eggs, so check them out!” Read the actual article here.